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Paternity testing for father and son.
Father and son going through paternity testing.







Many fathers mistakenly believe that if they were not married to the mother of their child, they lack legal rights as a parent. However, this is far from the truth. For unmarried fathers, it is crucial to establish paternity through either DNA testing or the submission of a Paternity Affidavit to legally confirm their fatherhood. Once paternity has been established, the father is entitled to pursue custody rights through a Parenting Plan or Visitation Schedule, just as if the parents were married.


Paternity refers to the legal recognition of a man as the father of a child. It establishes a biological and legal relationship between the father and the child, providing essential rights and responsibilities. In Colorado, establishing paternity is crucial as it allows unmarried fathers to assert their parental rights, such as custody, visitation, and decision-making authority. It also benefits the child by providing access to financial support, medical insurance, and inheritance rights. Establishing paternity ensures that both the father and the child have a meaningful and lasting relationship, promoting the child's well-being and fostering a sense of identity and belonging. It is a fundamental step in protecting the rights and interests of both the father and the child in the context of family law proceedings.


Establishing paternity is an important legal process that determines the legal rights and responsibilities of a father in relation to their child. In Colorado, paternity can have significant implications for child support, custody, visitation, and other parental rights. However, concerns related to mistaken paternity or paternity fraud can arise, leading to questions and uncertainties. This article aims to shed light on the process of establishing paternity in Colorado and address the potential issues surrounding mistaken paternity or paternity fraud.


Understanding the Importance of Establishing Paternity


Establishing paternity provides numerous benefits for both the child and the father. For the child, it allows for a legal relationship with their father, which can lead to emotional support, access to medical history, financial support, and inheritance rights. For the father, it grants the opportunity to develop a meaningful and ongoing relationship with their child, including custody, visitation rights, and involvement in decision-making processes. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure accurate and reliable paternity determination.


The Process of Establishing Paternity in Colorado


In Colorado, paternity can be established through various methods. If the parents are married or have been married within 300 days of the child's birth, paternity is automatically presumed. However, for unmarried parents, establishing paternity requires proactive steps. This can be done through voluntary acknowledgment of paternity, where both parents sign a legal document called the Paternity Affidavit. This document is typically signed at the hospital during the child's birth or can be completed at a later time through the county child support office or the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.


Addressing Concerns of Mistaken Paternity or Paternity Fraud


While rare, cases of mistaken paternity or paternity fraud can cause significant distress and uncertainty. Mistaken paternity occurs when there is a genuine belief that an individual is the biological father, but it later turns out to be incorrect. Paternity fraud, on the other hand, involves intentionally misrepresenting or withholding information about the child's biological father. If an individual suspects mistaken paternity or paternity fraud, it is crucial to seek legal advice promptly. In most cases, a father only has two years to contest paternity following the establishment of a child support order.  


Legal Remedies and DNA Testing


In cases of mistaken paternity or paternity fraud, legal remedies are available to address these concerns. Colorado law allows for genetic testing to determine biological paternity. This involves DNA testing, which provides accurate and conclusive results. A court order may be required to initiate the genetic testing process. If the test confirms non-paternity or fraud, the legal system can rectify custody, visitation, and child support arrangements accordingly provided it is completed within within a two year period from the date a person is legally determined to be the father. 




Establishing paternity is a vital step in determining the legal rights and responsibilities of a father in Colorado. While mistaken paternity or paternity fraud can create complex and sensitive situations, the legal system provides avenues to address these concerns. Seeking legal advice and pursuing DNA testing can help ensure accurate and fair outcomes, safeguarding the rights and best interests of both the child and the involved parties. By navigating the process of establishing paternity with care and diligence, families can lay a foundation for a stable and supportive environment for their children.

Take the important step towards establishing paternity today. Contact our law firm at 303-928-0660 to schedule a confidential consultation. Together, we will unravel the truth, safeguard your parental rights, and build a strong and nurturing foundation for your child's bright future.

Father and Son Fishing

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