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divorce couple in a common law marriage
a separated couple in a common law marriage.

Common Law

Common law marriage is legal in Colorado. It is a unique legal concept that recognizes a valid and binding marital relationship formed without a formal ceremony or marriage license. With its own set of requirements and legal implications, understanding common law marriage is essential for individuals residing in Colorado. It offers couples the opportunity to establish a legal union based on mutual consent and cohabitation, granting them the same rights and responsibilities as those in traditional marriages. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of common law marriage in Colorado, exploring its formation, recognition, and the legal processes involved in its dissolution.


To be considered legally married under common law in Colorado, several key elements must be met.

First and foremost, the couple must have the intent to be married and mutually agree to enter into a marital relationship. Without that, the court will look at the conduct of the parties to determine if the parties are common law married. Elements include "Cohabitation," living together as a couple, is another crucial requirement. Merely dating or living together without the intention of forming a marital bond does not meet the criteria for common law marriage. Additionally, the couple must present themselves as married to the community, demonstrating their marital status through various means such as using the same last name, referring to each other as spouses, filing joint tax returns, maintaining joint bank accounts, and joint ownership of other assets and debts. It is important to note that there is no specific time requirement for the duration of cohabitation to establish a common law marriage in Colorado.


Furthermore, common law marriages formed in other states that recognize this type of union will be recognized as valid marriages in Colorado, provided they meet the legal requirements of the respective states. However, it's crucial to consult an attorney or legal expert to ensure compliance with the specific criteria for common law marriage in Colorado.


Common law marriage in Colorado offers a unique alternative to traditional marriage, providing couples with the opportunity to establish a legally recognized union without a formal ceremony or marriage license. By meeting the essential requirements of mutual consent, cohabitation, sharing their lives together as a married couple, and presenting themselves as married, couples can enjoy the same legal rights and responsibilities as those in traditional marriages. It is important to note that dissolving a common law marriage requires following a formal legal process similar to that of a traditional divorce. Seeking legal counsel from an experienced family law attorney is crucial when navigating the complexities of common law marriage in Colorado, ensuring the protection of rights and interests throughout the entire process.

Ending a common law marriage is a deeply personal and emotionally challenging process. At Creager Legal, we understand the complexities involved and offer empathetic support to guide you through this difficult journey.

Discussion With Two People

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